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There's No Such Thing As "Free Dry"

There's no such thing as a free lunch, and there's no such thing as a free dryer.


The electric compay doesn't give Laundromats free electricity, and the gas company doesn't give Laundromats free gas. What some Laundromats do that offers this "gimmick" is they increase their washers to a really high price, so that they make you think you're drying is for free. This is called "front loading" the costs. This forces the customer to pay more than they need to so that the Laundromat can make more money.



Plus they know that many customers seperate their light-colors from their dark-colors. This forces the customer to not only overpay for the wash, but also the dry!!



However here at Laundercenter, we have never used any "gimmicks" or "sales tactics" on our customers. We have owned this Laundromat since 1975, and have always kept our prices as low as possible. We have never shortened our wash cycles and we have never turned the heat down on our dryers. When you set our dryers to "HI TEMP" you are really getting the highest temp! This allows our customers to get the best possible wash and the best possible dry for the lowest possible price.



Thank you for choosing Laundercenter!


New Britain Laundromat

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